BINDER-RIHA Associates, Inc.
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Value for Sales, Marketing and Customer Service

Key Success Indicators

We work with you to improve:

Time-to-Performance: We’ve produced dramatic improvements in the speed with which newly hired professionals achieve benchmark performance, or experienced people reach target levels of productivity in new product launches.

Market Penetration: Our programs and methods are claimed by clients to have accelerated introduction of new products and services into new markets.

Productivity: Our training and knowledge management methods have added 20% or more to the time sales people can sell because they know, and can more rapidly find what they need to know. Our call center programs have allowed new hires to exceed benchmarks by as much as 60%.

Market Share: One program was credited with reversing a slump in market share that a major corporation had been experiencing with its flagship product.

Cost Efectiveness: By increasing learning efficiency, programs designed with our methods have shortened training programs by 20% or more, while increasing effectiveness and program results.

We've compiled a set of case studies that represent an overview of how we've helped our clients in the past. Click here to download the PDF version of the document.

Service Descriptions

Our focus at Binder Riha Associates is enabling you to learn and apply our methods to improve performance and develop internal capability. Our work with you is flexible, customized to meet your needs, but we have defined a series of service packages that will effectively address your issues. Sorted into seven categories, our service packages enable you to:

Identify Your Greatest Opportunities for Improving Performance

Opportunity Analysis

We work with you to clearly define and drive alignment with your organization’s business goals and objectives, specify desired performance outcomes, and describe the performance environment using our Six Boxes™ model. We interview sales or service reps, supervisors, managers, division management, marketing managers, customers and others that can describe and define the requirements for optimal sales performance. We identify the scope of your sales or service people’s knowledge requirements, and pinpoint targets for performance improvement likely to produce significant ROI. We work with you to summarize our joint findings in a written report or presentation, and discuss cost-effective steps for leveraging the opportunities. We sometimes conduct this type of analysis as a Best Practices Study, with a focus on identifying major accomplishments, critical milestones, and key tasks that define a successful sales or service process in your company.
  • A clear description of performance needs.

  • Specific opportunities for improving employee performance through management, training, knowledge support, and/or other means.

  • A prioritized list of strategic performance improvement goals.

Design Your Sales and Service Knowledge Architecture

Knowledge Architecture Development

We work with a team of 5 - 10 stake holders and SMEs in sales, marketing, service, and possibly other groups to customize the Product Knowledge Architecture™ (PKA) for application in your organization. We rapidly develop a comprehensive framework for building and organizing the content and structure of a performance-driven knowledge base designed to ensure consistency and effectiveness in all your knowledge management and training efforts. That structure includes standard language for tagging and naming (taxonomy), standard sequences to support learning, logical and layout templates for usability, and links or cross-references in the knowledge base to support performance. We identify existing sources and gaps in your current knowledge base, and suggest cost-effective steps for addressing those gaps.
  • A comprehensive list and sequence of knowledge topics and sub-topics, with suggested level of detail needed to support sales and customer service learning and reference.

  • Preliminary audit of existing knowledge resources.

  • Initial logical and page templates for selected document types.

Customer Needs Model™ for Sales and Marketing Outcomes:
At the core of a performance-based sales and service knowledge architecture is a model of customer needs (and wants) that includes categories and specifics needs, problems, and opportunities related to a full range of business, technical, and other issues your offerings can address. We conduct a brain-storming session with key stakeholders, then massage the input and engage you in several review cycles to produce a model that you can use to integrate sales, marketing, and training programs and materials, as a deep structure for knowledge management systems, and as a framework for constructing sales questions and customer-centered proposals. Some Marketing Departments have used our Needs Models for market research and competitive analysis, and sales people have enthusiastically embraced this approach.
  • A comprehensive set of categories, and specific needs, problems, and opportunities that your offerings can address, optimized for memory.

  • Language for the model that reflects your company, industry, and customers’ language.

  • Needs-Solutions tables and other structured documents that leverage the Model.

Document Template Design Outcomes:
For each type of knowledge needed by a sales or service professional, there is an optimal logical structure or layout for supporting performance. Research-based methodologies yield structured documents that measurably improve usability and effectiveness. Careful analysis of performance requirements ensures appropriate level of detail and structure of the content. Our Consultants can work with your sales and marketing or training team to combine and adapt templates from our industry-proven PKA plus existing or newly designed templates from your organization to produce a practical first set of recommended templates for authoring information for the field. We can conduct these engagements with selected groups on selected topics, including:
- Competitive analysis and strategy
- Product and service summaries and details
- Procedures and guidelines for sales and service
- Sales presentations and proposals
- Others, as needed
  • A list of document types and likely titles, with written guidelines and suggested formats for each type or audience

  • Integration with your existing formats and document specifications

  • Work with individuals and groups to edit existing documents or author new ones in accordance with the guidelines

Build Your Sales and/or Service Knowledge Base

Job Aids Workshop

Effective job aids are documents designed to produce flawless performance by providing the right information in the right format for executing procedures and decisions. The Harless Job Aids Workshop is a time-tested program for designing, developing, and testing job aids that measurably improve the quality and productivity of those who use them. The workshop is normally delivered in a 2-day format, with periods of lecture discussion and substantial periods of self-paced study, learning, and application.
Binder Riha Associates offers this workshop to clients and highly recommends it, both because of the specific documentation skills it teaches, and because it is a good way to begin the process of analyzing tasks and deciding what must be fluent versus what should simply be referenced on the job.
  • A team of people able to design, produce, and test job aids that enable performers to complete tasks and decisions with flawless accuracy and high productivity.

  • A comprehensive job aid for developing job aids in your Company

  • Strategies for using job aids with or without training, depending on the situation.

Documentation for Sales Knowledge Workshop Outcomes:
We recommend the Information Mapping® structured documentation method for creation of reference, training, and online materials intended to provide users with information needed to do their jobs. We work with you, and with Information Mapping, Inc. (IMI), to integrate their seminars with our Product Knowledge Architecture™ methodology. IMI’s seminar introduces principles of structured writing to authors and subject matter experts, and we provide additional training to integrate templates and specifics of the customized PKA with the methodology.
This custom package is jointly offered by BRA and IMI with permission of Information Mapping, Inc. If your people already use IMI’s method, we can adapt our additional services to fit their level of expertise.
  • Outlines and drafts of key types of documents needed for your sales and service knowledge base

  • Document templates conforming to the Information Mapping methodology

Document Review and Editing Services Outcomes:
For companies that produce their own sales knowledge documentation using our methods, we provide consulting services, as needed, on specific projects and deliverables, to support your staff.
  • Rapid ramp-up by your staff on effective application of your sales and service knowledge architecture.

Select and Design Your Knowledge Management Technology

Knowledge Management System Design and Configuration

If you plan to design or acquire an online knowledge management technology, we can advise you on key features and technology options that will best support a full sales and service knowledge architecture. We have relationships with several sales knowledge technology vendors (web-based as well as Lotus Notes/Domino), and have created prototype designs for several companies. Unlike most experts in this field, we focus on the human performance-enhancing elements of such technologies, not the technologies themselves. We work with your marketing, sales, training, and technical professionals to select technology options and specify application designs.
  • A list of key features to implement in order to fully leverage your sales and service knowledge architecture

  • Technology options for implementing your sales and service knowledge architecture

  • Selection or design of KM application

Adopt a Turn-key Methodology for Sales Knowledge Training

Program Development for Sales Training and Product Mktg. Professionals

Based on over 15 years of creating sales enablement programs designed to produce fluent sales knowledge, we offer a turnkey program design service that teaches your people how. Our Course Development Guide ("Blue Book"), with its associated workshops and methodology, have been customized and licensed to Fortune 500 Corporations and smaller organizations wanting to take advantage of our research-based, client-tested designs for learning and coaching. You learn how to leverage the Product Knowledge Architecture to integrate your sales and service knowledge base with training, field-based practice, and coaching. This design methodology can be used to produce hugely successful product launch programs or to re-tool your entire training approach.
  • Learning activities associated with each segment of the knowledge architecture that produce fluent knowledge and fluent access to and application of that knowledge.

  • Learning and outcome measurement tools

  • An Implementation Plan

Build Fluent Performance to Accelerate Productivity Ramp-up

FluencyBuilding™ Workshop

Very little current-day training provides sufficient practice for trainees to emerge ready to accelerate to high levels of performance quality and productivity. Over 30 years of research on behavioral fluency and effective practice design yield a methodology that has produced dramatic improvements in performance ramp-up and levels of productivity in organizations where it has been applied. Our 3-day FluencyBuilding Workshop teaches methods for identifying opportunities to build fluent sales and service performance, designing fluency practice and coaching exercises, and implementing and evaluating them in your organization. The last day of this three-day program is mostly devoted to applying course principles to your own program objectives
Notes: This is an on-site program, available for groups of developers working together. We also offer the Fluency Coaching Workshop, for trainers and coaches.
  • Your people able to produce practice activities and materials that dramatically accelerate learning and performance on the job

  • Tools for measuring learning that translate directly to on-the-job performance

  • An implementation planning methodology that allows rapid application in your organization

Designing Challenge and Certification Programs Workshop Outcomes:
A particularly powerful way to motivate sales and service people, and to evaluate their performance in a "high fidelity" situation, is to create games, certification role play exercises, or other activities that challenge them to perform tasks as they might on the job. This group consulting session assists you in the selection, design, and development of such activities.
  • Objectives for your use of challenge and/or certification activities

  • Design options for creating these activities

  • Measurement guidelines

FluencyBuilding Design Services Outcomes:
We work with your training, sales, and service professionals to design and implement exercises and coaching processes to develop fluency in the field, either as part of a new hire or product launch program, or as an integrated part of ongoing sales support and development. This is usually a 1-day group consulting session plus follow-up design and implementation consulting. We work with your sales, training, and/or other field support personnel to design specific practice exercises to achieve fluency in particular types of knowledge and performance.
  • Professionals ready to initiate cost-effective practice and coaching programs

  • Templates and guidelines for designing and delivering coaching programs and exercises

Prepare for Successful Implementation

Fluency Coaching Workshop

Fluency coaching is very different from traditional training in that the majority of program time and effort is devoted to energetic, active practice rather to presentation and discussion. For that reason, trainers, managers, or supervisors who will be involved in delivering fluency-based learning and coaching programs benefit from our 2-day workshop that provides video demonstrations, discussions, and a comprehensive feedback job aid covering how best to apply these methods in your organization.
Note: We often combine this workshop with 1 or more days of observation and feedback for your fluency trainers or coaches.
  • Trainers ready to implement high-energy fluency programs in your organization

  • Initiation into an approach for building a "culture of mastery" in your organization

Implementation Planning Workshop Outcomes:
Deciding how to integrate fluency-based learning into classroom, self-study, field coaching, or online learning programs depends on the specifics of your Company’s culture and current approach to training and management. This group consulting session uses the Six Boxes™ Performance Management model to help you develop an Implementation Plan that ensures maximum participation in practice activities and optimally effective transfer of learning to on-the-job performance ramp-up.
  • Completed Six Boxes Implementation Planner identifying key variables for ensuring active learning and on-the-job performance

  • Jointly developed plans for implementation

Practical Evaluation Strategies Workshop Outcomes:
Traditional rating scales and percentage correct tests cannot measure the effects of training and coaching programs, and do not reliably predict on-the-job performance. This workshop uses an adaptation of Kirkpatrick’s Four Levels of Evaluation to help you develop a company-specific plan to evaluate learner reaction, learning effectiveness, performance improvement, and business results. It also covers design of Fluency Testing and certification programs, depending on your particular implementation choices.
  • A list of measures that your organization can capture, including as much as possible, all four levels of evaluation

  • Preliminary plans for implementing on ongoing evaluation process.


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