BINDER-RIHA Associates, Inc.
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How We Work With Clients


We work to achieve the status of a Partner with our clients. We hope to add value that is far greater than the cost of doing business with us. We aim to collaborate in ways designed to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes. In fact, we hope we add value from our first contact with you so that you'll seek our input when making important decisions about performance in your organization. We want to be your trusted partner, not merely your vendor or consultant.

Strategic Value

The methods and processes we provide have their greatest impact on business results when integrated into business strategy. In this Age of the Knowledge Worker, it is more and more obvious that investments in people can be among the wisest investments an organization can make.

However, it's easy to make investments in people that don't pay off. If we can work with you as Partners, our research-based methods and processes can make strategic contributions to the success of your business. We want to contribute to your overall performance and knowledge strategy, not merely to specific projects, initiatives or deliverables.

Technology Transfer

For over 20 years we have been assembling and managing teams to provide consulting and custom development services, primarily to Fortune 500 companies. Based on our experience as "outsource" providers, we believe that in the final analysis we can best serve our clients by teaching them what we know, enabling them to "do it themselves" rather than doing it all for them.

While our network of Associates allows us to bring in people capable of completing projects for our clients, we prefer to work with organizations who want us to teach them what we know while completing important projects in a collaborative manner. We work to transfer our methods and tools to you, so that over time they can become part of your core organizational capability.

Systems Thinking

Our Six Boxes™ model of performance management integrates all the influences that affect organizational and individual performance. As such, it is a systems model, and provides a foundation for improving your entire organization's approach to supporting human performance. It is this model, and the specific technologies we use to support it, that can enable us to be your Strategic Business Partner.



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